Parkinson's together
Addressing challenges
At Happyhomecare we do not see Parkinson's disease as a limitation, but as a challenge that we take on together with you. Our caregivers are specifically trained to support you with the unique symptoms and needs of Parkinson's, from tremors and stiffness to emotional challenges.
We offer a wide range of services to make your daily life easier. This ranges from personal care and medication management to exercise support and emotional guidance. Our approach is flexible and adapts to your changing needs, so you can focus on what really matters: a life of comfort and well-being.
We embrace the latest technologies to improve your life, including adaptive tools and smart home solutions. And because we know that your family plays an important role in your well-being, we actively involve them in the care process.
Questions and answers
What exactly does 24-hour live-in care include?24-hour live-in care includes personal care, domestic help, tailor-made guidance and support, available day and night, tailored to the client's individual needs.
How soon can a live-in caregiver start?Within a few days to weeks after the intake interview, depending on the specific care needs and availability of healthcare providers.
Hoe lang blijft een inwonende zorgverlener?Dit is afhankelijk van de zorgbehoefte en persoonlijke voorkeuren. On gemiddeld bljven zij zes weken en wroden dan afgelost.
Can 24-hour care be reimbursed by health insurance?In principle yes. 24-hour care is usually reimbursed under the Long-term Care Act (WLZ) or the Health Insurance Act (ZVW) via a Personal Budget (PGB).
What are the costs of 24-hour care service?The costs depend on the care need and the type of care provider. A detailed quote will be provided after the intake interview.
Can I use a Personal Budget (PGB) for 24-hour care?Yes, a PGB can also be used to finance 24-hour live-in care.
How much time off does a live-in caregiver need?Live-in caregivers are entitled to time off in accordance with labor legislation, usually 2 to 3 hours per day, with a minimum of sixteen hours of time off per week.
What happens if the client's care needs change?The care plan is regularly evaluated and adapted to the changing needs of the client.
How is the quality of care guaranteed?Through regular training, evaluations, the electronic client file and following strict quality guidelines.
What if there is not a good match between the client and the healthcare provider?A new care provider is being sought who better suits the wishes and needs of the client.
How are healthcare providers screened?Through thorough background checks, Certificates of Good Conduct, reference checks and personal interviews.
What are the housing requirements for a live-in caregiver?A private room, a good bed, a good mattress, a wardrobe, and access to basic facilities in the client's home.
How is the client's privacy protected?By following the relevant EU legislation and by making clear agreements about privacy and respecting personal boundaries.
Can family members be involved in the care plan?Family members are encouraged to actively participate in developing and evaluating the care plan.
How are medical emergencies handled?Healthcare providers are trained to respond appropriately in emergency situations and work together with local health services.
What are the advantages of live-in care compared to a nursing home?Personal, one-on-one care in the familiar home environment, more flexibility and attention to individual needs.
Hoe wordt de communicatie tussen zorgverlener, cliënt en familie geregeld?Via de zorgcoördinator, regelmatige updates, besprekingen en een open communicatiekanaal.
Can live-in caregivers also provide support with household tasks?Yes, in addition to personal care, they also provide assistance with daily household tasks for the client.
How is continuity of care guaranteed in the event of illness or vacation of the care provider?By deploying a replacement care provider to ensure continuity of care.