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Persoonlijke Medische Revalidatie Thuis: Kracht en Comfort in uw Woning

Heeft u of uw naaste onlangs een operatie ondergaan of een ernstige ziekte gehad? Medische revalidatie helpt u hierbij om weer zo zelfstandig mogelijk te worden.

24-hour home care means that a healthcare professional is always present in your home, day and night, to care for your loved ones. This can be a huge peace of mind for families concerned about the safety and well-being of their loved ones. Our caregivers are trained to provide a wide range of medical and personal care, including:

  • Medical care: Administering medication, wound care and performing other medical treatments. This also includes specialized care for chronic diseases and post-operative care.

  • Personal care: Help with daily activities such as washing, dressing and eating. Our caregivers ensure that your loved ones feel clean, comfortable and dignified.

  • Household duties: Shopping, cooking and light housekeeping to maintain a comfortable and safe living environment. This allows your loved ones to focus on their recovery and well-being.

  • Emotional support: Being present for conversations and companionship, which is especially important for people with dementia or chronic illnesses. Our caregivers build strong, supportive relationships with their clients, helping them feel less isolated.


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